A prayer for love… answered

Posted February 15, 2012 at 7:58 pm


by Jane Schwenke

With Valentine’s Day coming up this week, I was reminded of a sweet little love story that happened in our family.

Several years back, one of our sons was attending Berea College. He had dated several young ladies, but nothing really worked out.

One day he was sitting alone in his apartment, feeling lonely and kind of down. He started thinking about how he really would love to meet the right girl, and have that special person to share his life with. He glanced down at the table, and on it was the folded Somerset paper. There was an article in it about a new position being filled by a young lady. She was the new director of family resources at one of the elementary schools in the area. The picture showed a sweet and kind face of the girl.

Alone, with a wish in his heart, he prayed: “Lord, I sure would love to meet the right one soon, even someone that looked like this lovely young girl in the paper.”

Several months later, he did meet a wonderful young lady, everyone at church was trying to set them up. They met and talked, and attended college activities together.

They were engaged later, and excited to see what the future held.

One weekend they traveled to visit the girl’s grandmother. She was anxious for her granny to meet her sweetheart, and chattered how she knew that the family would all just love him.

As they got out of the car, she asked the young man to reach in the back and pick up the newspaper on the back seat. He asked her why she had brought it. She remarked that there was an article in it about when she was hired, and moved to Somerset. She wanted her Grandma and family to see it.

It was then that he made the connection. She was the girl in the newspaper. The one he had prayed about! He thought: “Someone like the one in the picture.” Wow!!

Jane Schwenke

Got a story to tell – try our new feature

Let the



The Clinton County News is seeking short, personal stories from you, our readers, for our new feature area, “Let the readers write”

Tell us about an experience that resulted in a life-long memory, something that happened during your childhood or even yesterday. No hidden agendas. No politics. No religion. Don’t try to sneak in coverage for your 3rd grader’s basketball team. No poems.

In your own words, hopefully between 300 and 600 words, submit your article, along with a photo of yourself, via email to: gpcompany@kih.net, or bring a typewritten copy in to our office at 116 N. Washington Street in Albany. If you don’t have a recent photo of yourself, we’ll make it for you.

You can also mail your submission to P.O. Box 360, Albany, KY 42602. Include an address and phone number that we can use for verification purposes only.