Clinton County Board of Education held a special meeting President’s Day night, Monday, February 20. The meeting was basically in lieu of its regular monthly meeting, which had been cancelled a week earlier. All members were on hand for the approximate one hour and 20-minute session, which saw several items of business being discussed.
The board first recognized Junior Couch, who has retired from the school district after the 2011-12 school term.
Members then recognized the seventh grade boys’ basketball team, which recently finished runners-up from among over 50 other seventh grade teams participating in the State Tournament held in Lexington.
Coach Jackie Gibbons reviewed the tournament and season, in which the team finished 19-1 overall.
Prior to getting into items on the regular agenda, Stesha Flowers, principal at the Clinton County Area Technology Center, and two instructors presented Superintendent Mickey McFall an steel silloutte portraying a ranch/farm type portrait. The presentation was in appreciation to the superintendent for his work in the school district and support of the technology center. McFall will be retiring from his position June 30.
After approving minutes of two separate board meetings, on a motion by Kevin Marcum, they granted a medical leave of absence to Crystal Adkins from February 22 through August 1 of this year; voted to approve five between meeting disbursements and voted to pay claims and bills.
Supt. McFall then presented the monthly personnel report, as follows: Substitute teachers–Kathy Wallen, Foothills Academy; Tammie Conner, AES; Cody Craig, districtwide. Classified hired–Tyler Shearer, paraprofessional at AES and David Dorn, bus driver, districtwide. Transfer–Shanice Garner from custodian at AES to Clinton County High School.
The board was then presented the tentative 2012-13 school year calendar for review.
Supt. McFall said the only changes from the current calendar would be adding instructional hours at the high school. Calendar days would decrease from 173 to 170, but instructional hours in the classroom would increase to six hours and 15 minutes per day and CCHS was considering going from a trimester system, back to a semester system.
Also, a discussion ensued on whether to take out the day before Thanksgiving as an instructional day. Supt. McFall said most staff was in favor of taking that day off and Director of Pupil Personnel Charlotte Bernard also said that Wednesday before the holiday break was one of the lowest in attendance for the year.
Board members Paula Key and Goldie Stonecipher again voiced concerns about parents who have to work that day and having to make arrangements for sitters and so forth. Stonecipher also referenced that most employers require work that particular day in order to get their vacation day’s pay.
Key suggested that if they do take off on Wednesday this year, and if attendance on the Tuesday prior was down, they should go back to going on Wednesdays, because taking the day off wouldn’t help anyway.
Eventually, Board Member Marcum moved to approve the 2012-13 year calendar, with the day prior to Thanksgiving being a ‘no class’ day, which passed by unanimous vote.
An even lengthier discussion ensued on the fencing project at Clinton County Middle School, as discussions have been going on for a year now.
Two quotes had been received, with the low being from Josh Sells at a total cost of $34,679 which would include fencing the CCMS baseball and softball fields, around the HVAC system and JROTC field equipment at the high school. The quote includes the cost of materials as well.
Some board members were concerned about the cost of the project due to the current budget situation and cuts in state funding.
It was noted that extras, such as lighting, the most major expense after the fencing project itself, couldn’t be funded any time soon.
Also, home games would have to be scheduled early enough in the afternoons to be completed before dark, since the fields would have no lighting. Also, the school may charge admission to games to help offset operating costs.
Board member Junior Cecil made the motion to approve the fencing project, which passed unanimously. However, it was noted that anything extra needed to complete the fields, such as a concession area, lighting, etc. would only be added in years to come, or when it is financially feasible to do so.
Near the end of the meeting, Tina Langford, principal at the Early Childhood Center, gave a presentation reflecting assessment data results from MAP’s and Reading assessment results, summary of grades given by teachers, achievement gap targets and future goals and programs and strategies in place at the ECC to ensure upcoming assessment goals will be met.
A brief video presentation was also shown of the Early Childhood students learning in the every day classroom setting.
Director of Pupil Personnel Bernard then gave the monthly attendance report for the fifth month of school, which showed vast improvement districtwide compared to the previous year.
The school with the highest rate of attendance for the month was the Early Childhood Center at 94.40 percent average daily attendance. Clinton County High School showed the greatest improvement in attendance for the month at 91.36 percent, up 2.72 percent from last year’s 88.64. Districtwide, attendance was up 1.67 percent overall for the fifth month, at 93.13 compared to 91.53 the fifth month a year ago.
In other business, the board:
* Approved a nonresident pupil contract with Somerset Independent Schools for the next three school years–through the 2014-15 year.
* Voted to declare over 280 middle school text books to be sold as surplus property.
* Voted to allow students and faculty from Albany Elementary to conduct a coin drive fundraiser to support Relay for Life and/or the American Cancer Society.
* Approved an overnight trip for the middle school Jr. Beta Club officers to Louisville February 22 through 24.
The next regular meeting of the school board is scheduled for Monday, March 12 at 5 p.m. at the Central Office and is open to the general public.