Trapping is the most effective way to control wild pigs

Posted February 22, 2012 at 8:05 pm

Wild pigs are now present in many areas of Kentucky. Trapping is a better control plan for wild pigs than hunting, which scatters the pigs. Wild pigs create havoc with their rooting and wallowing behaviors, but cost share programs available through the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources help defray the costs of wild pig removal for landowners.

In Kentucky, wild pigs may be hunted with firearms year-round with no daily bag limit, but wildlife biologists believe trapping is the most effective way to control the feral pests.

Kentucky Fish and Wildlife is working with landowners to help them deal with the destructive, unwanted swine which pose serious ecological, economic and disease threats.

Soard said he gets regular reports from landowners about their ongoing efforts to remove pigs from areas of Kentucky with established populations. “You have to adapt your strategy to completely eradicate wild pigs,” said Soard. “You have to understand the species. Shooting them on sight isn’t always best.”

Wild pigs live in maternal groups called sounders, usually made up of several related sows with their offspring. Several maternal groups may come together to forage so there could be as many as 20 to 30 pigs on a food source.

Mature boars tend to be solitary and don’t tolerate the presence of other males.

Hunting in general, and sport hunting in particular, is ineffective for controlling or eradicating wild pigs because boars are targeted.

Shooting into a group of pigs forces them to search for sanctuary. Trail cameras are a good way to assess wild pig numbers and find suitable trap sites. Large box traps can be used to catch wild pigs, but corral traps are better.

Corral traps are made from wire and typically have a swinging, saloon-style gate which lets the pigs enter, but blocks them from leaving the trap. A good strategy is to establish the trap site at an area where pigs can feed unmolested. Then, monitor the site with trail cameras and set the trap when the largest numbers of pigs are feeding at the site.

In Kentucky, it is illegal to possess wild pigs. Any captured pig must be killed at the trap site. They may not be removed from traps alive.

Corral traps are commercially available or can be homemade. “We have a cost share program to help landowners offset the cost of the traps,” said Soard.

Winter is the best time to trap. Food is in short supply and pigs readily come to bait piles. The best trap sites for pigs are located along travel routes between bedding and feeding sites.