It’s time to ‘spring forward’ this weekend

Posted March 8, 2012 at 2:15 pm


The official start of spring is less than two weeks away, March Madness has begun and the days are getting longer and the nights shorter.

Beginning this Sunday morning, officially at 2 p.m. local prevailing time, those extended hours of daylight will get even longer for the next few months, as Central “Daylight Saving Time” returns to much of the country, including Clinton County.

Although most people will lose an hour’s sleep this weekend, most won’t mind in exchange for longer days and more daylight hours.

Readers are reminded to set their watches, clocks, phones and other devices that keep time ahead by one hour either late Saturday night or first thing Sunday morning, March 11, so you won’t be running an hour behind.

CDST will remain in effect until the first Sunday in November, when the time reverts back to Standard Time.