Posted June 20, 2012 at 2:48 pm


by Alan B. Gibson

Now that spring is over

Although it’s seemed like summer has been here for a couple of months now, in reality what we’ve been enjoying has been an abnormally warm spring. No complaining here, it’s been much better than recent springs when winter just wouldn’t seem to let go until June.

Anyway, summer officially arrived this Wednesday, at 6:08 p.m. with the summer solstice, making Wednesday that favorite day of the year for me, the one with the longest amount of daylight.

I think it should be a holiday. If you get a day off from work, it should be the longest day available.

Fair week is always a fun time

Although this week’s issue will hit the streets a day after, it’s no secret that my favorite night of each Clinton County Fair lineup is the Tuesday night Family Athletic Events night.

Every year, as I watch the track being prepared and the event participants line up, my thoughts go back to those early years when Coach Lindle Castle and the late Otis Brown would work the center ring organizing foot races, bicycle races and sack races.

Skinned knees and elbows would be treated with a quick brushing off with a hand, and it was back in line. Winners received a dollar and a ribbon and most importantly – bragging rights.

It was a morning and afternoon event in those years, held prior to a main event that night, likely a horse show or perhaps a motorcycle race. Still, the crowds on hand for those athletic events were phenomenal and races would often have to be split up into several heats.

The athletic events fell off considerably several years ago, but in recent years, we’ve noticed a renewed popularity that continues to build again, hopefully eventually reaching the level we enjoyed in the mid to late 70s.

In any event – get out to the fairgrounds and enjoy the rest of this summer celebration. There’s plenty of fun through Saturday night at the Clinton County Fair.