The newly appointed Clinton County Democrat Executive Committee has called a meeting for next Thursday, August 2 at 7 p.m. at the Clinton County Courthouse. The meeting will be held in the upstairs courtroom and chaired by newly appointed chairman Steve Clark and assisted by Vice-Chairwoman Amanda Rich.
The purpose of the meeting is to elect candidates for the 3rd and 5th District Magistrate seats in this November’s general election. Any man or woman who lives in either district and has the desire to seek the Democrat nomination for either of the district offices must send a self-nominating letter to the Clinton County Democrat Party, P.O. Box 303, Albany, Kentucky 42602 for the district they are seeking to run for.
In order to be an eligible candidate, you must be a registered Democrat and have voted in the May primary. All letters must be post marked no later than Tuesday, July 31, 2012 in order to be considered as a candidate. There will be no proxy votes accepted.
The precinct people who live in each perspective district will be allowed to vote for the nominee and will be the newly elected Precinct Chairperson, Vice Precinct Chairperson and a person under age 35. The other newly appointed County Precinct Committees that have been approved by the State Party are urged to attend this meeting as well.
The second half of the meeting will be covering the quarterly meeting for August per State Party rules. There will be discussions on raising funds and planning a party agenda for the rest of the election year and into next year.
All registered Democrats are welcome to attend this meeting or anyone who wants to pre-register as a Democrat is also welcome to attend.
If anyone has any questions regarding the meeting or perspective nominees, please call Steve A. Clark, Chairman, at 387-9855 or Vice-Chairwoman Amanda Rich at 387-9617.