Cumberland County News

Posted September 26, 2012 at 2:39 pm

On Friday, September 7, it was reported to administration at Cumberland County Middle School that a student had written a hit list. This hit list was found immediately and administrators took action to ensure the safety of all students and staff. Local law authorities were contacted as well as the parents of the child. All those who were named on the list or their parents/guardians were also contacted.

The number one priority for Cumberland County Schools is to make sure that all students are safe at school every day. The administrators and teachers of the schools do everything in their power to make sure every child and adult is safe. While we try to educate our students and prevent these types of issues from occurring, occasionally these things do happen. In these cases, we always follow protocol to help ensure the matter is solved in a timely manner.

The Cumberland County School District is committed to providing the safest learning environment possible for everyone in our school system.