Bulldog Battalion ceremony honors veterans with deserved dignity

Posted November 14, 2012 at 2:38 pm


The Clinton County JROTC, under the direction of CWO Ron Cook and MSG John Tomure, presented its annual Veterans’ Day ceremony Friday, November 9, 2012 at Lindle Castle Gymnasium in front of the entire high school student body, faculty, staff and a host of visitors that included several local veterans.

The theme for the ceremony was “Welcome Home.” The presentation began with remarks by Tomure, then the posting of the colors by the JROTC Color guard and the National Anthem performed by the CCHS Band, under the direction of Doug Sell.

The posting of the colors was followed by a prayer by the Battalion Cadet Chaplain and the posting of military service flags as the band played the service song of each branch of the military, the United States Marines, U.S. Army, United States Navy, United States Air Force, and the United States Coast Guard.

The flag presentation was followed by the POW/MIA ceremony for the fallen soldier memorial, with Tomure simulating a role call among the veterans and when one name was called, no one answered, symbolizing the fallen soldier. JROTC members then carried out a box with an American Flag draped over it to symbolize carrying a coffin of a fallen soldier.

A rifle squad salute and “Taps” performed by the high school band was played, followed by “Amazing Grace.” The 21-gun salute rang throughout the gym, giving spectators a clear image of what happens when a soldier is laid to rest.

On the gym floor, 59 American Flags were placed, each with a name written on the base of the flag. Cook said those 59 flags represented the 59 Clinton County soldiers who died in wartime and whose names are on the monument that is located in the front courtyard of the high school.

The program ended with Cook on the electric guitar, playing a song titled “The Eagle Cried” followed by “Welcome Home”, a title that coincided with the theme for this year’s ceremony.
