The Clinton County Industrial Development Authority held a lengthy regular meeting last Thursday, June 13 with six of seven members on hand and some important matters to be considered, the last of which was the approval of a statement of support directed at the Twin Lakes Wellness Center, as well as making a $1,000 donation to the facility.
The board meeting, in which an industrial prospect made a proposal, led to a special call meeting Monday for official action and details on that meeting as well as details pertaining to the proposed new industry can be found in a separate article beginning on page 1 of this week’s edition.
The board heard the presentation aforementioned from representatives of Fitzgerald Trucking Company out of Tennessee, prior to entering into an approximate 20-minute closed session to discuss the proposal. Upon returning to open session, they then voted to hold the call meeting on Monday to take official action on selling property in the industrial park.
Also on hand (for the first portion of the meeting) last week was Clinton County Judge/Executive Lyle Huff and Albany Mayor Nicky Smith, who has been working to help secure the new industry here.
Also following the closed session, a motion was made by Board Member Barney Latham to accept the deed for property in the industrial park back from the city and county. Each of those entities had voted to deed a portion of property they had earlier received back to the Industrial Authority when it was learned that an industry may want to locate in the park.
The original property in question had originally been deeded jointly to the city and county for the purpose of constructing the Twin Lakes Wellness Center. However, after the deed was transferred, the location of that facility was changed to its current location next to the EMS and Air Evac facilities across from the high school.
Prior to entering into the first of two closed sessions, the board voted to pay claims and bills and approve the monthly IDA expenditure report.
Following another 20-minute closed session pertaining to possible litigation, in which no action was taken, the board briefly touched on another possible industry that may be considering locating here but nothing official on that particular business had been made public, although it was recently discussed in closed session at a meeting of Clinton County Fiscal Court.
On a motion by Board Member Keith McWhorter, they voted unanimously to donate around $1,500 to the Chamber of Commerce for the joint Chamber/IDA promotion booth at the Kentucky State Fair in Louisville in August.
Also, anyone wishing to work in the booth at this year’s state fair should contact the IDA office.
Prior to adjourning the almost one and-a-half-hour meeting, McWhorter read a prepared statement in support of the financially strapped Twin Lakes Wellness Center and suggested a monetary donation to help with expenses at the facility.
The statement reads as follows:
“The Industrial Development Authority recognizes the great importance of life and sound infrastructure to the business and industry health of the community. Organizations and entities in the community such as the first class hospital, library and learning center, the higher education center, on-site Air Evac helicopter ambulance service, ground ambulance service, the proposed modernization of the fire department, the ever improving school system, the top quality Best Western Hotel, and two golf courses, among others, are very important to obtaining new industry, businesses and professionals in our community. It is also very important in our efforts to keep the best and brightest young people in Clinton County. The addition of restaurants give a good variety to dining experiences. The Clinton County Wellness Center is a very important part of the quality of life features offered here. All of these assets coupled with the lakes and surrounding beauty of our area make for a very attractive package to prospective industry, businesses, professionals and retirees. In recognition of the importance of the Clinton County Wellness Center the Industrial Development Authority donates $1,000 to the Center.”
The motion to make the donation was made by Board Member Crystal Irwin and passed unanimously.
The next regular meeting of the Clinton County Industrial Development Authority is scheduled for Thursday, August 8 at 11 a.m. at the IDA-Welcome Center and is open to the general public.