Clinton County News Headlines:

Posted June 26, 2013 at 2:07 pm

Thursday, June 28, 1951 – Volume 2, #34

Please note these news items are copied from the 1951 edition of the NEWS,

using the spellings and grammar of the era.slAnnual meeting of Farm Bureau

The annual meeting of the Clinton County Farm Bureau met in the county agent’s office Saturday, June 17. Officers and directors elected at the meeting were: Charles Futrell, president; Hile Pritchard, vic-president; John Branham, secretary-treasurer and agent for insurance service. Directors : Luther Poore, John D. Mullins, Cletis Garner, Fred Andrews, Knox Upchurch, Jessie Guffey, W. E. Martin, Willie Simpson, J. E. Ferguson, and Robert Beaty.

The directors voted $50 to help sponsor Farmers’ Feild Day and $15 for 4-H Cllu

Odd names in county

Hog-Back is located about five miles west of Albany near the Brown’s Crossroads post office. Hog-Back was named, the tradition goes, that two men stole a hog, stopped to rest and once said, “Let’s take the hog back.” It is said from that day it was named Hog-Back.

Lettered Oak is about six or seven miles west of Albany in the Shipley neighborhood, and it is said was named by letters cut on an oak tree by Daniel Boone in his travels through Kentucky.

There is a creek about ten miles north of Albany named Tearcoat. Old timers say it was named by a drummer setting on the counter at a country store near Desda. That a name was wanted for the post office which was to be established and the drummer tore his coat on a nail in the counter, and that it was named Tearcoat from that incident. Another version is that a man met a bear and the man’s coat was torn in the fight that ensued, and the place got it’s name from this incident.

Electric storm does damage in county

During a heavy rain and electric storm in the county last Friday afternoon, lightning struck a post on the Shipley Road near the residence of John A. Cross and killed a cow.

The residence of Willie Rigney in Duvall Valley was struck by lightning during the storm. No one was home but Mr. Rigney was nearby and extinguished the blaze caused by the lightning. The home of Jess Foster, Savage, was also struck by lightning causing slight damage. Frost and wife were at his store. The home of Jess Foster, Savage, was also struck by lightning and all the windows but one were broken and a radio was destroyed. The family was home but no one was hurt. Other reports of storm damage in different sections of the county have been heard.

Fishing is good

Bruce Sloan, owner of Grider Hill Dock, says fishing is getting good mighty fast on Wolf Creek Lake. Most of the fishermen fishing from and near Grider Hill Dock are having wonderful luck. A modern restaurant will be completed and opened for business within the next five to ten days. Also this summer, the plan is to build a lodge to be known as Indian Creek Lodge, which will have a big lobby, fishing goods, supply store, and souvenir shop with 20 guest rooms, all modern and joining the restaurant building, which is built just as close to the lake’s edge as regulations will permit. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Washer of Detroit, Mich., recently moved to Albany to take over the management of the place. Mrs. Washer is the former Mary Elizabeth Ross of this place.

Dr. Karl Habel of the National Institute of Health said that limited human trials showed the vaccine, while “not 100 percent protective,” appears to give a three-fold reduction of mumps cases among vaccinated people, as compared with those who were not vaccinated.